kayak course corsica

Publié le par photokayak.over-blog.com

corse-rizzanese (107 sur 194)

During the kayak session gathering in corsica, I offer full weeks of kayak course, ever dreamed of discovering corsica's beautifull rivers. here's the oportunity.


16 to 23 april 2011

23 to 30 april 2011

Price is 950 euros all included from bastia to bastia one week.


Safety course, technical advice, discovering of the classic runs of Corsica.

Level: classe 3,4 and a bit more depending on the level of the group, only 4 paddlers per guide.

you will stay in dormitary rooms and eat traditionnal food at the Ernella farm and camping


for more infos, please contact me.

See you soon...


corsetravo (111 sur 111)-copie-1

Publié dans kayak course english

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<br /> Hi,<br /> <br /> Does the price also includes the gear (kayak + safety gear + paddle + helmet etc) or is it just the teacher + camping + food + travel from camping to river to camping etc ?<br /> <br /> ++<br /> Samuel<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> price doesn't include gear there's an extra of 100 euros for that, I can provide boat, paddle and safety gear for that price.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />