summer kayak course

Publié le par raphael thiebaut


hello after the succes of the course in corsica.

I'll propose some summer course on the Durance valley.

one in july and one in august.

Each course will be based in the durance area and around to adapt to waterlevels, we will camp on différent places. There'll be a maximum of 4 student per course for a better quality.


July course:

for classe 4 paddlers that want to improve their skills and access classe 5.


Safety course, boof course, technique...


Clarée, Guisane, Guil, Fournel, Ubaye and Verdon canyon


3 to 10 of july.

3 places left


August course:

For classe 3 paddlers that want to improve their skills and access classe 4.


Safety course, Rolling course, river reading and paddling technique.


Guil, Durance, Guisane, Ubaye, and Verdon.


7 to 14 august



950 euros if you have your boat and gear.

1050 euros if you want to rent  boats and safety gear.

more infos by mail:


or with the contact form on top.  

Publié dans kayak course english

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